Urban planning addresses a multiplicity of forces and embeds numerous intentions; visions of what could be if only we are sensitive enough to properly interpret the forces that make up the city. It requires the use of a fine brush for the mildest of gestures can set into motion new and diverse realities. In Asaf Gottesman and Gottesman Szmelcman Architecture's approach to the redevelopment of Plac Społeczny, the core objective was to heal the urban wounds and give impetus to growth, to re-enforce the city’s life and embed it with communal values and culture. Wroclaw is a product of its history yet also of its vision for the future.
Plac Społeczny requires new traffic & circulation solutions. Yet developing a vision for a substantial urban expansion needs one to commit to a political vision; to define how a new urban plan could contribute to urban rejuvenation, to the re-definition of urban life and its social, economic, cultural and environmental consequences. Our proposal rests upon creating interwoven layers of housing, retail, commercial and cultural activities that are set within green boulevards and squares. Plac Spoleczny will emerge as the new and contemporary center of the city. Ultimately, our proposal was adopted by the Municipality and the urban plans have been approved. Currently we are in the process of planning its realization.