Renderings by: Studio Aiko
The Choice of location for the new Lorry Lokey building may have been driven by the need to be near the existing Recanati building but it offered the opportunity to contribute to the enrichment and urban coherence of the campus. Sufficiently high to enjoy both the western vista and sea breeze, Asaf Gottesman and Gottesman Szmelcman Architecture chose to split the building into two interconnecting elements. The proposed scheme offers the opportunity to better insulate functions and accommodate a phased construction if need be. We realized that the splitting the building will enable both a lower and higher entrance and encourage the linking of the adjoining buildings through the respective levels and gardens.
The splitting the building creates a new urban space within the campus; one that is both intimate and shaded. We have located the main entrance and the café/canteen on the ground level so that it will serve as a natural meeting point and “watering hole” not only for those who use the new management building, but also for all how come to this side of the campus.
The elevated floors that will serve as academic and administrative offices enjoy unobstructed views to the west and serve as a visual landmark or "lighthouse" to all who enter the campus from Antin Square.
The lower floors of the building accommodate the large classes and auditorium, as well as, additional study areas. Accessible both from the ground floor and gardens to the north of the school of music, this area is partially integrated within the landscape.
From an environmental perspective there are several elements that have influenced the design of the building: The splitting of the building has enabled us to maximize the cooling effect of the prevailing winds. Together with the shaded area of the ground floor, the raised mass and the internal patios, we calculated that the relatively cooler air currents will pass through the ground level and up the internal patios. Furthermore, the lower floors that will be occupied by the majority of students are particularly well insulated thermally and their low profile will reduce the exposure to the late afternoon sun.